
Whether we and students GATHER other students, we affirm:

Gospel Centered Reconciliation

Jesus’ death & resurrection is God’s only provision for forgiveness of sins. By grace, we are reconciled to God and to each other.

Since salvation is the work of God,


When we shared the GOSPEL, we affirm:

Gospel Centered Identity and Position

Jesus’ death & resurrection open the door for us to be in God’s family; we’re adopted. We are no longer outsiders, outcasts & orphans. We’re no longer exiles. Our longing for homecoming is met.

Since we’re children of God,


When we GROW students in their understanding of Scripture and nurture their relationship with God, we affirm:

Gospel Centered Posture

Jesus’ death & resurrection means we are externally set free to obey. Internally, we are transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Since sanctification is the work of God,


When students use their spiritual GIFTS to serve their campuses, their peers, and their churches, we affirm:

Gospel Centered Purpose

Jesus’ death & resurrection show us how God came to serve us and gave His life as a ransom for many.

Since Jesus emptied Himself for us,


When students GO and share the gospel with others, we affirm:

Gospel Centered Purpose

Jesus’ death and resurrection, His ascension and future return, gives us hope. It empowers us to be a redemptive community for those within our sphere of influence.

Since God is redeeming and restoring all things through Jesus,